Egypt Climate

Temperatures for Cairo around the year;" Hot, dry summers with moderate winters"

30 / 17 Cº
24 / 13 Cº
21 / 10 Cº
19 / 8 Cº
21 / 7 Cº
23 / 10 Cº
86 / 64 F
75 / 57 F
70 / 50 F
66 / 48 F
70 / 48 F
75 / 52 F
29 / 14 Cº
32 / 16 Cº
35 / 18 Cº
36 / 22 Cº
38 / 24 Cº
32 / 20 Cº
90 / 62 F
90 / 62 F
95 / 64 F
95 / 71 F
95 / 71 F
89 / 68 F

Climate and travel to Egypt

Egypt has the Nile Delta on the coast same as Mediterranean climate, generally a warm country, while at winter night in north coast it can be cool till reaching  the freezing point. Of course, the temperatures vary depending on time of day, In Cairo, as well as in Middle and Upper Egypt is a Mediterranean and desert-like climate. Along the Red Sea there are year-round resorts destinations. The most pleasant seasons are spring and autumn. In the summer, it can sometimes be hot up to 40 ° Celsius during the day while in winter the thermometer rarely falls below 18 ° Celsius. Egypt and North Africa regions are located in the rain shadow of the great weather areas. And Egypt itself, as part of the Sahara lies in the center of this region, only far away from Egypt to begin in the equatorial zone, so why this move equatorial low pressure areas every summer to the Tropic of Cancer, but the mighty clouds of the inter tropical convergence zone of Africa, thus it can rain in southern and central Sudan in the summer months While in Egypt, the summer rain fails to materialize. Over most months, Egypt is practically rainless. However rain may come to short showers in winter months, Sometimes rain penetrate to Cairo,
The humidity on Mediterranean coast is normally up to 60 or even 70 percent because the rising water vapor, In Cairo it is between 30 and 50 percent. The farther travelers go in Egypt, the lower the humidity is . However sometimes the difference  between day and night temperature may cause smog and haze weather which happens in high way north part of Egypt, to the south, Egypt is becoming drier with sunny weather, the worst phenomenon takes place in the early of the summer called "Chamsin or khamseen, mean "fifties wind", usually comes With a very hot and bone-dry desert winds from the south and southwest. It arises because depressions moving eastwards along the southern parts of the Mediterranean or along the North African coast from March to May taking the from of  a strong anticyclone over the Mediterranean Sea and a strong low pressure area. These weather conditions will cause to have the hot air from the desert downright sucked. In such extreme weather conditions, the humidity may drop to 10-20 percent and the temperature may rise above 40 degrees. On these days, you  feel as if a huge hot hair dryer is  blowing all the time . The evaporation rate is extremely high, travelers are highly recommended to drink a lot of water , and fluids to avoid dehydration.

Egypt Climate changes:
- Recently anyone who studies closely on his trip to Egypt could notice significant of evaporation occur over 5,250-square-mile lake clouds, which not existed before in this region. So it become sometimes sultry days in Aswan, also could even give rainstorm. This new development is in stark contrast to the really bone-dry climate of Aswan.
- also travelers could notice from the murals and reliefs in Egyptian tombs stories, or even with a chance to visit in the Gilf Kebir (in the southwestern corner of Egypt's Western Desert), the petro glyphs of the Egyptian Sahara, Will recognize changes from thousands of years ago in the prevailed flora and Fauna of Egypt & the fact of that it was not always a pure desert country, The rainfall was significantly higher and the evaporation significantly because of the dense clouds, in the second half of the 4th Millennium BC, Egyptian western desert was a large, dry, desert region with less than 50 mm annual rainfall. Today, this area belongs to the hyper-arid regions in general, Even the Arab east of the Nile Valley stretching desert still showed greater amounts of precipitation, which is partly due to the altitude of the local mountains of red sea. The drier the climate became, the more attracted to the nomads into the border regions of the desert, to back into the oases and along the banks of the Nile. Also kick out Egyptian famous Dorcas gazelle, Sable antelope, leopards, Wild cattle, ostrich, lions and cheetahs.
Difference between night and day temperatures in Egypt is high especially near desert area during the winter; also they might be big difference between temperatures inside your tourism bus or between hotel room or camping tent and the out side.